International Photo Contest in Malpartida
The Malpartida de Cáceres City Council, The Tourism Service of the Provincial Goverment of Cáceres and the Regional Government of Extremadura are organizing the XXXI International Photographic Contest ”The Stork Week” accordingly to the following terms and conditions:

1. Any amateur or professional photographer can enter the contest. They must be the authors of the works submitted and hold the respective rights over them.
2. Subject: “THE WHITE STORK”
3. Each author is allowed to present a maximum of two pictures, whether in black and white or in full colour.
4. Photographs will be sent one by one. Its size should be of 3543 x 2362 pixels, either 20 x 30 cm, with a resolution of 300 ppp, and in JPG format, with a file size of 3 Mb min. and 5 Mb max. Photographs that have been digitally enhanced, using colour manipulation, cloning, or any photo montages will not be accepted. A 20% cutout in size will be allowed. Adjustments used in normal digital film developing like focus mask, saturation, levels and other necessary adjustments will be accepted. The RAW image of the winning photos will be requested disqualifying those that have not been submitted within the required period.
5. Participants should send their photographs by e-mail to the following email address: certamenfoto(at)
In addition, the participants should include a document with the following information:
• Photo Title and Personal information (full name, home address, telephone number and e-mail address)
• The name of the JPG file and the text must be the same as the photo title and cannot include any references to the
author’s real name such as pseudonyms, initials, nicknames, etc.
• An email will be sent to each participant confirming that the photographs have been viewed correctly.
• Once all the photographs have been received, they will be given to the jury to their correct display always keeping the
authors anonymous.
6. Photos must be submitted no later than 14:00h on on April 1, 2022.
7. Participants will be rewarded with the following cash awards: First prize: 1.200€, Second prize: 600€, Third prize: 400€.
8. The amount of the prizes will be subject to the tax withholding established by current legislation. May not go more than one prize to the same person. The awards ceremony will take place on 30th April 2022, during the closing ceremony of the XXXI Edition of The Stork Week. All those awarded a prize must attend to this ceremony. If they are unable to attend, the person winning the prize must name someone to take their place in order to collect the prize.
9. At least 25 photos will be selected from all the works presented, which will be printed out on photographic paper and exhibited during The Stork Week. The photos selected may also be part of a permanent or itinerant exhibition promoting The Stork Week.
10. The Jury’s resolution is unappealable. The works could be declared null and void if the jury considers it. The jury will consist of professional photographers, representatives of entities and institutions and members of Nature Associations, all of them involved in the Environment. The Jury will take into account the circumstances under which the photo was taken, and will also value negatively those photos damaging birds or their environment, by reference to the code of ethics of the Photographer´s Association of the Nature AEFONA- The winning prize authors, owners of their copyright, have to get their rights to the organization, who could make use of them to promote this contest or any other promotional activities, giving their author’s name, but never for commercial purposes.
11. Taking part in this contest implies the acknowledgment and acceptance of these rules. For more information contact us by e-mail: info(at)
We hope you enjoy participating and wish you every success!
Report sighting
Have you seen a white stork or another interesting species of animal, plant or fungus? Make your observation count for nature conservation and share it with other nature lovers! It’s free and it’s fun!