Mala Polana & Velika Polana, Slovenia, 1999
Facts and Figures
- Location:
- Prekmurje region in the far northeast of Slovenia close to the river Mur and the border of Croatia and Hungary
- Population:
4 - 9
Min. and max. numbers of breeding pairs since the year 20001.500
Inhabitants in the year 2017 - White stork in Slovenian:
- Bela štorklja
- Nesting sites:
- Electricity poles
- Events:
- Green Week (cleansing campaign), Košnja Pűcki (outdoor event), Pomurski Summer Festival (first week of August)
Municipality of Velika Polana
Velika Polana 111, 9225 Velika Polana
Damijan Jaklin, Mayor of Velika Polana
Velika Polana 111, 9225 Velika Polana
Turistično informacijski center Štrk - TIC
Velika Polana 217, 9225 Velika Polana; strk(at)
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Landscape and habitat
Velika Polana (meaning the big Polana) is a village with a few less than 1000 inhabitants and is situated in the municipality of Velika Polana. It’s a typical Pannonian village with branched streets and houses directly next to the road. Velika Polana and the municipality itself is a part of the lower part of region called ˝Prekmurje˝ and the Mura region. Mura is a river which gave our region the name Prekmurje. The landscape is characterized by the vast biodiversity of the natural environment and non-intensive agriculture with small arable land. There is also no strict dividing line between settlements and the natural environment. Close to the village lies ˝Polanski log˝ the forest - the largest complex of black alder wood in Europe, it offers shelter to many endangered plant and animal species. Velika Polana is part of the landscape where the sun first rises in Slovenia and where the view opens up far to the four corners of the sky, giving it a unique mark on the people who are known for their openness and hospitality.
Events and tourism

- Green Week: Each year our municipality, volunteers and organizations organise a cleansing campaign. Together we pick up and remove all trash from the environment and afterwards carry out various activities to raise people’s awareness. The public areas are being cleaned by individual associations engaged in this project and by the NATURA VePo d.o.o. municipal company.
- Košnja Pűcki: An outdoor event in the the wet meadows, where the old grass cutting technique is demonstrated.
- Pomurski Poletni Festival: Pomurski Summer Festival in the first week of August
Local players and EuroNatur-partners
Štrk Slovenia – Association for sport, tourism, development and culture; Osnovna šola Miško Kranjec Velika Polana – primary school in the village; Municipality of Velika Polana; Natura VePo d.o.o
Report sighting
Have you seen a white stork or another interesting species of animal, plant or fungus? Make your observation count for nature conservation and share it with other nature lovers! It’s free and it’s fun!