“What’s happening in Storks’ nest?”
From now on you can watch in real time what is happening in the stork's nest of Čigoč!

In 2020, the Lonjsko polje Nature Park Public Institution signed a donation agreement with the German foundation EuroNatur, which financed the installation of a camera on the roof of the Čigoč Visitor Center. After a long period of storks return from Africa, which arrival was from February to April, a young pair of storks finally settled on the roof of the info center in Čigoč. Currently, the visitors of the LPNPPI website https://pp-lonjsko-polje.hr/sto-se-dogada-u-rodinu-gnijezdu/ can watch in live streaming how the stork lays eggs, sits on the eggs and how both parents arrange the nest. Employees and visitors of the Park are looking forward to the most interesting part when the young storks hatch and when their parents bring them a food every day.
The project "What is happening in the Stork's nest?" aims to raise public awareness and educate school children and Park visitors to the Stork's life in Čigoč - how do they feed young, how do they nest, where do they go to find the food and what food do they bring to the small chicks? All this will be available by August in live and later on a short video film which will be produced by the staff of the Institution. Depending on the epidemiological situation due to the COVID19 crisis, a short video will be promoted at the Stork Village event in June 2021.
For many years, the Institution cooperates with the Ministry of the Economy and Sustainable Development, Croatian Electricity Company, the EuroNatur Foundation and the local community in Stork protection and revitalizing their feeding habitats. This year, the Institution have organized with Voluntery Fire Association of the Sisak Municipality the installation of roof platforms in the villages of Čigoč and Lonja, which is the first aid to storks in building the new nests.
Report sighting
Have you seen a white stork or another interesting species of animal, plant or fungus? Make your observation count for nature conservation and share it with other nature lovers! It’s free and it’s fun!