03/03/2021"The Life of a White Stork" - Belozem announces this year the International drawing competition
For another year Primary School “Geo Milev” in Belozem started the drawing competition on the theme "The Life of a White Stork".
The organizers are Rakovski Municipality, Catholic Church “St. Francis of Assisi” in the European village of the White Stork, Federation of Nature Conservation NGOs "Green Balkans".
09/17/2020Poor breeding season for storks
++ Only a few storks have fledged in Europe’s stork villages ++ Extremes of weather cause problems for the storks ++ Conservation of green wetlands contributes to the protection of species and reduction of climate change ++
07/30/2020Open call for proposal
Within the frame of the new developed “SCHOOL GARDEN PROJECT” EuroNatur intends to support the establishment of school gardens in the European Stork Villages (ESV) and their NGO partners by a small grant scheme.
06/17/2020Walking trail in Čigoč renovated
The Lonjsko Polje Nature Park Public Institution has renovated an educational, walking trail in Čigoč, the first European stork village. This project is funded by EuroNatur.
05/04/2020Stork Village Conference 2020 to be held in online format
Representatives of the European Stork Villages had originally intended to meet from 6-9 May 2020 in the Serbian village of Taraš. Due to Covid-19, the conference cannot now take place as planned. However, the stork conservationists are not going to let the virus beat them that easily.
Report sighting
Have you seen a white stork or another interesting species of animal, plant or fungus? Make your observation count for nature conservation and share it with other nature lovers! It’s free and it’s fun!